Friday, 1 April 2011

Day 12 - A song from a band you hate

I don't like manufactured bands, I hate X factor/popstars the rivals/pop idol y type stuff, no harm to anyone who does but it's not for me. So I suppose I'll go for what I remember as being the first of that genre, I could be wrong but this maybe where (for me) the rot started. My elder daughter loved this and I listened to it ad nauseam.


  1. I think this may be my guilty pleasure song but then that may have more to do with Kym Marsh than the actual song.

  2. Lolly - well thats allowed then :)

  3. Smiley loves this and it's on one of her videos, so I get to listen to it every day. Oh the joys! But watching the X Factor is probably my guilty pleasure lol

  4. LFBS - oh deary deary me :) xx
